Knight #2

The second Imperial Knight got started over the weekend, the legs and the torso getting completed and ready for some weapon options.

This one will be a Paladin so I need to make the Gauntlet and Chainsword interchangeable with some magnets. I just need some bigger magnets, but that is what eBay is for.

Kill Team Tyranids vs Orks

My Tyranids had their first Kill Team outing against a horde of Mr Steinbergs Greenskins.

I tried out several of the Tyranid model types, obviously a couple of Genestealers got a try out, they are close combat experts and are likely to always get an outing.

A Tyranid Warrior with Boneswords is an intimidating opponent, with three wounds to take off before there is a chance of a fatal flesh wound, it hits hard with plenty of attacks.

Mr Steinbergs Orks have plenty of flamers so charging them is a pretty dangerous undertaking, so using a multi wound model at least gives a chance to fight in melee at full strength.

The cheap points cost of the Hormagaunts and Termagants mean there is usually plenty of them knocking around to attack any nearby enemy models, but with a low strength, they struggle to wound opponents.

The Orks are better in melee than at ranged combat, so it turned into a slug fest as close combat suited both sides.

Exo-Armour Scrunts

My Bob Olley Exo-Armour Scrunts arrived a few weeks ago and I have been wanting to get them put together and ready for a game with the Prussian Steam Wars army.

I have two sets of the five models so plan to make three squads of three and one “hero” model.

I am currently mulling over how to dish out the various weapon arms. I think I will have one squad as very close combat orientated, one as ranged weapon specialist and one somewhere in the middle.

I have since trimmed off the tabs to make fitting them to bases a bit easier.


I went to see Alita Battle Angel with my kids this week. I actually quite enjoyed it.

It has all been done before, it is very much Elysium meets Rollerball meets anything to do with Cyborg killers.
I did find myself looking at all the background stuff a lot thinking it would make great wargames scenery.

It does end with a sequel very much on the cards, but due to the fact it cost somewhere between US$170m and US$200m to make, it really will have to do very well at the cinema. The screening I saw it in only had about 10 people in a very large theatre. We will see…

ROBIN This Weekend

Mr Steinberg and I are going to the ROBIN wargames show on Sunday 17th February in Nottingham. We will be setting up a table and putting on some demonstration games of Kill Team and Rogue Stars, or more likely, just hanging out.

Most of the stuff, except for some of the newer prototype models are available on the Products For Wargamers, so we hope to have a table that is not too far away from the trade stand.

I just need to finish some of the new prototype models off before Sunday. We are apparently not getting a very big table, so there will only be space for the industrial terrain.