
Well it is about time…

I have had the Oathmark rules for simply ages but have finally had my first game.

I used my Lannister army for my first game, plenty of painted models.

Mr Steinberg had a force of mostly antique models, a great looking force.

It was quite a large gameĀ  in terms of number of units, but we both tried out various unit types.

Mounted Knights are pretty damn good, getting the extra bonus on the charge really helps.

Moving the units around makes a bit of advance thought, they can easily get in eachothers way.

I also discovered the rule that archers (crossbow models in my case as there are no crossbows in Oathmark) cannot fire over large models, so archers should not have been put behind my Ogres.

Once complex combats get going, a defated unit can be pushed back 6″ causing all sorts of adjusting movements from units in the way.

The Lannisters also had an old cannon, a proxy catapult as there are no cannon in Oathmark. These seem to be pretty effective so I may well be trying some more in the future.

You don’t need a lot of dice in this game, a fistful of D10’s and you are ready.

Manoeuvering units is the key to this game, so having a magic user who can help units reposition can be very useful.

We are having another game next week and will add some more expensive creatues to reduce the number of units a bit.

Proxy Flesh Hounds

Recently I finished my Blood Letters and Blood Crushers for Warcry. One of the options in the warband is to have one or more Flesh Hounds.

Rather than buy some new or used models, I found some old Heresy hound type models in the Loft Full Of Lead that were not very well painted many year ago.

I am going to rebase these and repaint these so they fit in more with the way I paint stuff these days.

Steam Wars Game

It has been difficult to arrange many games recently for obvious reasons, but last weekend, we did finally get to play a large game in the recently completed Tudor town.

The whole table looks just as I had planned it. The Deep Cut Cobblestone mat is perfect for the style of buildings, there is enough space between the buildings without the gaps being too big.

I got this all set up the night before so when Mr Steinberg arrived with his US Navy, we were able to get right into it.

We deployed a couple of objectives, one each, to be collected and removed from the table.

I used my British forces with some town Militia added in to defend their town.

As usual, I used my Treadbikes, one of my favourite units.

The infantry on both sides advanced rather cautiously using as much cover as possible in the early turns.

The Navy Rollerbots and Rocketeers moved up one flank and removed the opposition quite easily.

The Treadbikes moved up and got one decent round of fire in before getting a good pasting.

The Navy also had their own motorbike squadron, armed with a variety of weapons.

The Ocks deployed from their Mole but were not close enough to charge.

I had a small unit of square Gunbots that wandered around a bit.

The British never managed to break through the Navy defensive line to reach their objective, but they did manage to inflict plenty of casualties.

The Navy on the other hand, did retrieve their objective and escape with it for maximum Victory Points.

A cracking game!

Red Harvest Terrain

There is a lot of plastic in the Red Harvest box, two warbands and a load of terrain.

The terrain is very easy to build, there are no options so there was no need to use any magnets for a change.

It is a bit chilly here, so although all the terrain is built, I will not be undercoating it a while yet.

I have yet to start building any of the figures, but as they won’t get the chance to get undercoated for a while, there really is no rush.

Statue Base

I have always liked the idea of having some statues on the table, apart from giving some cover for models to hide behind in open spaces, they look pretty good.

I have designed an MDF statue plinth and “painted” on some watered down filler to give it a nice stone effect. For this one, I have a 3D printed model on top that I purchased at the only wargames show I went to last year. I bought a bunch of things from this trader, I just can’t remember who they were.

One Hour Skirmish

Another game we played for the first time last year was One Hour Skirmish by John Lambshead, a nice little self contained ruleset from Pen & Sword books.

This is one of those miniatures agnostic game, so a great opportunity to dig out some interesting models.

I unboxed my oldish Spug models to have a go at Mr Steinbergs US Navy. It is very simple set of rules, but allows for some excellent narrative games.

Somehow, this game needs to find its way again into our schedule in the future.

2022, The Year Ahead

What has 2022 in store for us all? Hopefully a way out of the pandemic and some sort of a return to normal life.

On the wargaming side of things, there is always plenty to do and not enough time.

I have a load of terrain I want to get finished, consisting of some fantasy ruined temple pieces and the new Red Harvest mining setup. These are quite big bits to add to my existing ruins and will get used in several different gaming genres.

There are always loads of figures in the painting backlog, I just need to prioritise, which is easier said than done as I am easily distracted. I have quite a few Games Workshop figures to paint, including a few that have been lying around for a while. There are new figures that still need putting together as well, such as two Kill Teams from the new starter box (I have started the Orks) and four (!) Warcry warbands.

There is a sizable list of games to play in 2022, including several that have not even been tried once. I must get a game of Oathmark played now that I have all of my new movement trays painted and ready to go. My Lannisters will be stepping up as the first army to try out those rules. I have not tried the new edition of Kill Team yet either so we must get that sorted out as well.

So plenty to do, I just hope we don’t head back into more restrictions regarding meeting up and socialising…

Let’s hope we have a good New Year.