Category Archives: A Song Of Ice & Fire

Lannisters vs Free Folk

The Lannister Honour Guard had another game recently, although I did try them without any attachment.

The Lannisters had another battle with the Free Folk, which included a Mammoth and a Chariot no less.

Along with the Honour Guard, there were plenty of Clegane units…

…and a unit of Halberdiers (never leave home without them) and basic Swordsmen unit.

We played a “hold the four quarters” scenario which is a tricky one as units need to be left behind in “safe” quarters to contiue to hold it and get victory points each turn.

My Guardsmen and Honour Guard did not get to do much as all the action was too far away from them and the rest of the units seemed to be dishing out casualties and then dropping like flies!

The Free Folk pinched the win in the final turn in a very close game.

Warcry Game

Mr Steinberg has created a Cities Of Sigmar Warcry warband, a nice mixture of old models.

We had a couple of games with my Iron Golem as the opposition.

The mission was to Take Down specific models in the opponents warband. Never as easy as it sounds.

Use of a warbands abilities at the right moment can make quite a difference, but having enough ability dice does not always align with what you want to do!

The speed of models is such a critical factor in all games of Warcry, I wonder if I will ever get to use my Legions Of Nagash models as they mostly move at an alarmingly slow pace of 3″ per action.

Game Of Thrones Game

It feels like ages since we last played a game of Game Of Thrones A Song Of Ice And Fire which is probably because it has been ages.

My newly painted Clegane Brigands and The Mountain That Rides got their first outing.

The Brigands came up against Mr Steinbergs Mammoth and got a bit trampled…

Being totally outnumbered by the Freefolk, I set up my few units in one corner and tried (and failed) to hold a line. Giants and Mammoths are very nasty and I will need to come up with some new tactics to make combating them a bit less painful.

There are still some characters to paint up, but this army has grown to a massive size without really trying…

Lannister Heroes 3

I really had thought my Lannister army was complete, but no. Those nasty people at CMON keep bringing out new boxes of figures to tempt me.

This box includes yet another Jamie Lannister. I will be able to field a whole unit of Jamie Lannister’s at this rate quite soon, although this is another Jamie with only one hand…

Also in this set is The Mountain That Rides, previously only available in the Kickstarter way back when. I have wanted to get this model for a while but never wanted to pay the eBay price.