Category Archives: Tyranids

One Page Rules – Nids Vs Nurgle

After the Tyranids had a go at Space Marines with One Page Rules, they next had a run in with Nurgle infected Space Marines (or was it the same lot, just post corruption?).

It was a similar horde of Tyranids that faced the Chaos Marines, but these guys had a rather heavy tank to inflict plenty of destruction.

The Tyranid Warriors consisted of two squads, one with ranged weapons and one with choppy boneswords. Backing them up was a very old Hive Tyrant…

On the other side, Chaos Marines

One of my standard Tyranid critters in an army list these days is also the newest, the Tyrannofex provides the only really heavy firepower they have to take on big things.

We played a simple, objectives game, so the best thing to do is just go and stand on one or two or three.

Mr Steinberg was able to proxy in a nice Daemon Prince to support his infantry with a bit of chaotic close combat and it worked very well indeed. I will need to get my Winged Tyrant to take it on one day in an ultimate showdown.

I have seen recently that One Page Rules is still evolving, especially the online army profile builder tool, but as long as my profiled Tyranids do not change I will be happy enough.

One Page Rules – Nids Vs Marines

Using Tyranids in One Page Rules is a great way to get my old models onto the table. There is not much new in my collection, so they do not really play to the strengths of a 40K list, so going old school in One Page Rules is much better.

All of my Genestealers date back to the original Space Hulk box with a few of the lead figures thrown in.

One of the newest additions is a large winged Hive Tyrant that I actualy bought built and painted on eBay…and why not!

I do have a collection of old lead Tyranid Warriors, which are bulkier than the original plastics, but they do add some heavy weapon support.

One day I will repaint some old bio vehicles and actually build and paint some Starship Troopers large bugs…

New Nids

I don’t usually watch the Warhammer reveals online, but for some reason I just happened across it today and was lucky enough to see the new Tyranid models.

Although I am not that interested in any of the new infantry models, the bigger bugs certainly caught my eye.

The new Norn Queen is very impressive and I think my Nids may well be getting one in the future.

The other new model that I liked is a Lictor variant, very menacing!

Tyranids vs Necrons…Again

The Tyranids were at the Necrons…again.

This time I got to use an old Armorcast Haruspex for the very first time. This model had been sitting up in the Loft Full Of Lead for more than 20 years. In fact we have been in this current house for 20 years so it must have been in the previous Loft (not quite so) Full Of (as much) Lead for a few years as well.

This was a 100 Power game, so pretty much only added in the Haruspex and a few other proxy Pyrovores.

Mr Steinberg added a few new Necron units, but to be honest, I really don’t know what they are called, there were just plenty of them.

Massed firepower from a unit of Necron Warriors sure does make a mess of a unit of poor harmless Genestealers

Having two large Tyranid critters, one for close combat and one for shooting large targets is something I have never had before so it has been fun to have a chance.

I still manage to forget loads of special rules that would benefit units, but I did remember to use a respawn unit tactics card and bring back some Hormagants just in time to threaten an objective.

This game came down to a single objective, with a mad dash at the end and plenty of ensuing carnage.

When the Haruspex got into combat, it certainly proved its worth as it munched through a unit of Necron Warriors and even recovered some wounds, although one would think that Necrons are not particularly nutritious.

I have a plan to include some more proxy units in the next game…

Tyranids vs Necrons

Mr. Steinberg has a new army of Necrons, although it is a limited selection, much like my Tyranid army, so we pitted them against each other in a smallish 75 Power game. There were no really powerful characters, but loads of models on both sides!

Over the last year, I finished off some movement trays for my Tyranids to make moving a horde army around a bit easier, and they really do help.

I also got to use the nice big Tyrannofex and his big gun for the first time.

I need to remember to keep the Synapse creatures close to the lesser Tyranids, so I try to run some Warriors behind any speed bump units.

As I do not play against a large jumber of opponents, this was the first game I have ever played against Necrons.

This list would appear to be as much of a horde army as the Tyranids, loads of infantry and a few hovering weapons platforms.

Tyranids tactics are pretty much charge across the table and munch into close combat. The Genestealers did so and annihilated a unit before being totally shot to bits the next turn…

There were some objectives, but these Tyranids were all about lunch and advanced towards anything in sight, even if Necrons are not very tasty.

I got to use a small brood of Gargoyles for the first time, only ten, but they swooped in with the Tyrant and charged another unit of Necron Warriors.

The Tyranid Warriors with ranged weapons really struggled to hit anything all day, but these are the only heavy shooty infantry unit I have so they need to go in the list somewhere…

Once all the Genestealers and Termagants were gone, the Warriors were a litle outnumbered and had to do some mad advances in the last turn to dispute some objectives.

It was a close game in the end, but the Necrons got the win!


This has been a very long time getting finished, but quite frankly, what is the hurry these days…

I used contrast paint on all of the bone areas and then sort of stopped for months. I could not decide what colour to paint the rest of him (it?).

In the end, I decided to use the blue that my Genestealers are mainly painted in and the purples that my Tyranid Warrior weapons are painted.

I must do some pictures with some Genestealers and Warriors one day.


One can never have enough Genestealers. Apparently.

I still have a pile of unpainted plastic Genestealers from the original Space Hulk and modified a few show some sort of representation for Acid Maw and Flesh Hooks.

Although painting them when you are trying to match a 30 year old colour scheme is a bit of a chore.

Proxy Tyranids

I have plenty of Sedition Wars models lying around, the Human Vanguard have been painted, but there are loads of the Strain that are not getting much attention.

With the expansion of my old Tyranid army, I thought I could proxy some of the models into Tyranid service.

Some of these will get used as Pyrovores and the two larger critters as something else…