30 Points Of Lannisters

I have four units of Lannisters for my 30 points, Knights Of Casterly Rock, Halberdiers, Guards and The Mountains Men. As the only characters painted so far are Tyrion and The Sparrow, that was my lot.

Some of the ink wash has ended up a bit glossy, so I still need to go back and matt varnish the red cloth, oh, and finish the bases.

The Knights are great when they charge, the extra attacks are mean they can dish out a lot of damage, but getting bogged down in a prolonged melee does not do them any favours.

The infantry units do not hit very hard, especially against a Freefolk Giant, but it does not help when the best Panic Test result I can roll is a 3 on 2D6 all game. The offending dice will be crushed.

The Lannisters did not hang around very long.

Maybe next time…

MotoGP Valencia

Last weekend, Ireland for a wedding, this weekend, Spain for the Valencia MotoGP, the last motorcycle race of the year.

On the plus side, as this is the last race, maybe over the winter, I can concentrate on getting some miniature painting done, because let’s face it, there is always plenty to do.

Game Of Thrones

After a few games of Game Of Thrones A Song Of Ice And Fire, I am working on expanding my Lannister army. My 30 points at the moment consist of Guardsmen, Halberdiers, Mountains Men andthe rather effective Knights Of Casterly Rock.

I have to decide on what is next out of more Halberdiers, more Guardsmen, more Knights or a different unit such as Crossbowmen, Warriors Sons or the Kings Guard.