AP Cannon Bots

One has to like multi use models. These Aberrant Games robots can be used in Rogue Stars and double up for Medium AP armed bots in my Mechanica force for Steam Wars.

These have been modified a bit by removing one forearm and mounting the heavy weapon at the elbow.

These were provided courtesy of Tony from Aberrant Games from their Rezolution range.

Steam Wars Game

We had a game with what should be the final final version of the Steam Wars rules. It has only taken eighteen months to get to this stage, which is not bad for a part time project I guess.

I got to use my new TT Combat crane and a new warehouse in a factory setting complete with some very freshly painted roads.

For this game, my Prussian Scrunts faced off against the Mr Steinberg’s US Navy including several flying contraptions. We went with plenty of flying machines to really see how the game played with lots of air power.

The largest of the US Navy Skyships was this formidable frigate complete with Aether-thrusters to keep it majestically floating above the battlefield.

At ground level, we had some exciting battles with each side grabbing the advantage at different stages. The US Navy tentacle armed divers demolished a Prussian infantry unit before being demolished themselves by a Prussian Assault unit. The ebb and flow of melee is fickle thing.

The Prussian Zeppelin was carrying a unit of infantry that were going rappel into action at an opportune moment, but it never quite arrived. In the end, they deployed into the center of the complex and took up a defensive position. I may have to look at giving the Zeppelin a speed boost.
The Prussian Scout Zeppelins each took a flank and moved up a fast as possible bringing their twin-link HMG’s down on any units in range. They did not get to use their bombs as much as I would have thought.

The US Navy infantry in their best whites occupied the Aeroneff landing station and hung onto it for the duration. But whatever you do, don’t ask Mr Steinberg about the four 1’s he rolled…

The Prussian Abhumans (Bob Olley’s Orgyns from many years ago) had a very bad day and got themselves surrounded by Rocketeers deployed from the US Navy Skyship and a unit of infantry.

Over all, I am really pleased with the way the rules have turned out, it could not have been done without Mr Steinberg’s and Joken’s massive help in play testing over the last year or so. In that time we have refined rules here and there to create a game that plays the way we want it to play.

And finally, thanks to Matt Lyon for creating the truly brilliant Steam Wars logo, it is as if he knew just what I was looking for.

So that’s it, apart from wanting to add some more images, the Steam Wars rules are done, done I say!

So although I can post the rules anytime, I still need to write up the force creation rules and release a rather complicated spreadsheet.

Rogue Stars Crew

I enjoyed using this Rogue Stars crew, a Golum, a Zoat, a robot, a Zykhee and an alien of some sort.
There is still no substitute for good armour in Rogue Stars, once a model takes damage, its effectiveness reduces very quickly. Apart from armour, the Difficult Target ability is the best defensive protection against incoming ranged attacks. For melee, Weapon Master is the equivalent. But of course Armour benefits a model from both ranged and melee attacks.

We will just keep playing with 300 points so we can tool up our crews that way.

New Crane Finished

I finished my TT Combat crane recently and it had its first game recently. I still need to glue some of the bits together but it held together okay for the game.
I also need to sort out the lifting mechanism as currently there is a bit too much string.

The long planned dock and warehouse terrain project may start to gather some more pace. With all of the old AT-43 containers I have, it should look pretty good if I can get going.

I also used a new TT Combat warehouse building, visible on the right, but more of that later.