Category Archives: Chaos

Heresy Demons

These are some of the very old Heresy Demons that were used in The Silver Bayonet scenario “Incursion”.

I don’t know how long I have had them, but they needed rebasing, a bit of a touch up and an ink wash to make them half decent.

There are nine more in the Loft Full Of Lead that are built but have never been painted so I am using the opportunity to finish them all off and make a nice big unit for various fantasy rules.

One Page Rules – Nids Vs Nurgle

After the Tyranids had a go at Space Marines with One Page Rules, they next had a run in with Nurgle infected Space Marines (or was it the same lot, just post corruption?).

It was a similar horde of Tyranids that faced the Chaos Marines, but these guys had a rather heavy tank to inflict plenty of destruction.

The Tyranid Warriors consisted of two squads, one with ranged weapons and one with choppy boneswords. Backing them up was a very old Hive Tyrant…

On the other side, Chaos Marines

One of my standard Tyranid critters in an army list these days is also the newest, the Tyrannofex provides the only really heavy firepower they have to take on big things.

We played a simple, objectives game, so the best thing to do is just go and stand on one or two or three.

Mr Steinberg was able to proxy in a nice Daemon Prince to support his infantry with a bit of chaotic close combat and it worked very well indeed. I will need to get my Winged Tyrant to take it on one day in an ultimate showdown.

I have seen recently that One Page Rules is still evolving, especially the online army profile builder tool, but as long as my profiled Tyranids do not change I will be happy enough.

Iron Golem vs Nurgle

I do like Mr Steinbergs Nurglings, I must try and get me some just for fun, not sure what I would use them for, most likely something in my Oathmark Chaos army.

In Warcry, the Nurglings are a proper wound soak and take a long time to hack through!

The flying bloaty flies are rather good at swooping onto objectives, and they also take a while to budge.

The poor old slow Iron Golems just have to slog their way through the mass of chaotic horribleness.

All good fun!

Kommandos vs Plague Bearers

My Ork Kommando Kill Team had their first game a short time ago, it was about time really.

Mr Steinberg was using a horde of Plaguebearers, without any ranged attacks, so my Orks could just sit back and take pot shots at the shambling disgustingness for several turns.

There are lots of special rules to remember for the Orks, but I was using as many specialists as possible to see how the rules work and what their best options are.

I reckon I am going to need a few more games with them to fully understand how to play them, but they are fun and will be making some more appearences soon.