Iron Golem vs Corvus Cabal

The Iron Golem’s were the first Warcry warband that I finished painting and so have been on the table a few more times than some of the others.

They are simply brutal, no ranged attacks, just get up close and smash.

…and speed is not on their side and they can take a while to get where they are going.

The bell tower is a nice bit of terrain and it is quite surprising how many models can get up on the first level…

Mr Steinbergs Corvus Cabal have some good abilities and utilise height well.

On the last turn, I parked three models on one of the objectves, I was not giving it up, and managed a draw! Great game.

Iron Golem

Warcry is at the top of the list of games to be played more in the coming months. It is one of my favourite rule systems at the moment and there are some really nice models, including being able to dig up some really old models and getting them on the table again.

The Iron Golem were the first warband I painted for Warcry, straight from the starter box.

I built the Signifier option (above) out of the box, but have not found him that useful. So I have bought another off eBay to build as the “other” option with the big hammer.

The Iron Golem Dwarf is a bit slow, as with most chaps with short legs, I often find that by the time he gets to the action, it is all over…

Whats On The Table?

I found a small number of old Marauder Bloodletters in the Loft Full Of Lead a while back and wanted to use them in Warcry. I had to buy a few newer plastic Bloodcrushers to bolster the warband, but I now have plenty to field. The Bloodcrushers are easy enough to put together, I just hope the thin plastic swords avoid getting broken off.

After a red undercoat, it looks like they are nearly finished. If only. Plenty of detail to add yet.

I am aiming for a limited number of colours on top of the red basecoat, gun metal, gold and silver should do it.

I have some old Heresy chaos type dogs somewhere that will proxy in nicely as Flesh Hounds.

Blitzkrieg Commander

I never really got on with the Flames Of War rules, I don’t know why, they just never grabbed me. Ages ago, I picked up the Blitzkrieg Commander 2009 second edition rulebook with a view to giving it a go and getting my fully painted 15mm American army on the table again.

It has taken a very long time, but finally we have played a few games and I have to say it is a good game.

I don’t have a huge force, but there are plenty of Shermans and some supporting M10 and Priests.
Supporting infantry get to ride around in M3 Halftracks.

Mr Steinbergs Germans had plenty of quality tanks and supporting infantry as well.

Rivers can be a bit of a bottleneck, you typically end up with a traffic jam.

Massing firepower against targets is essential to have a chance of destroying them, but getting a unit supressed is also very useful.

Getting a Bazooka and some M10 Tankhunters behind a heavy tank is a huge advantage as it increases the numbe rof attack dice and redices the save!

The German mortars are a bit handy, all mortars have long range so as long as a spotter can get Line Of Sight, they can drop their munitions just about anywhere.

We are not so keen on the random adjustment of force sizes, giving one player a potentially huge advantage, but even pointed games has so far been fun.


Warcry is one of those games that I do not play enough and I am determined to play more of.

I have a couple of warbands painted up,  the Iron Golem’s and the Untamed Beasts.

The rules are pretty solid and the mission and terrain setup cards make for a huge range of scenarios.

The terrain from the original box is really nice and I have some of the ruined temples in progress as well at the moment.

Mr Steinberg has some nice old Lizard figures as well as the newer Corvus Cabal, we just need to play it more often.

I also have several other warbands to paint, including the heavily magnetised Kharadron Overlords which are in progress. Being a small skirmish game, it is not too daunting to paint up a warband in a few a week.

Dust Battlefield

Although the news recently broke that Dust Studios is no more and there will be no more new stuff for the game, we still have plenty to be getting on with, including unpainted models of course.

I managed to speed paint the massive Konigsluther and add it to my Axis force for a game.

Mr Steinberg used two large Devastators equipped with heavy phasers to head up his Marine force.

The rest of the Axis were Heavy units lead by Lara in her Panzers MG unit.

The Axis completed their force with with a Zombie Platoon lead by Grenadier X.

Once the game kicked off, the Marines quickly moved up to cover behind the village in the middle of the table.

There seemed to be a lot of them…

The Axis Adler jet variant was used for the first time and quite possibly the last. Its missiles could not damage the Devastators and were not very effective against infantry. The machine guns were better.

The Konigsluther did manage to get a couple of successful shots off against a Devastator and take it out in one go. After that, it did not have any more large targets and was unlikely to get into position to target the other Devastator.

The Cursed Zombie Suicide (!) Squad managed to unleash their five, one shot Panzerfausts against a Devastator with only one hit…

They then lived (?) up to their name by charging the Devastator and committing suicide trying to use their Tellermines…

The Panzers (with Lara), Heavy Lasers and Flak Boys were totally ineffective, in fact only the Flak Boys got to make a single shooting attack.

This was a tough game for both sides, losses were very heavy and there was not a lot of infantry left, but the Allies managed to grab a win by grabing an objective.