Salute Swag

When it came to my Salute 2024 purchases, it split into three sections; stuff I wanted to buy, stuff I bought on the spur of the moment, and stuff I wanted to get that was not there.

Stuff I wanted
One of the first things I wanted to pick up were some Black Scorpion models for The Silver Bayonet. I wanted some Spanish musket armed models for a new unit and a couple of other soldier types for the British unit.

For Turnip28, rather than scratch build a wicker man type model, it was much easier to just buy one from Crooked Dice. This chap stands at about 80mm tall and will be perfect as The Tall Man in a Turnip28 cult.

Die Hard Miniatures have some nice Madalorian models that I wanted for the “new” Laser Bayonet. There is a nice mix of models in herethat will fit a few roles.

Having a few extra models available that are just armed with pistols is usually a good idea in most skirmish games.

Seemed like a good idea at the time
Anvil Industries kept popping out pre-build models that could be bought for a very resaonable price, so I decided to pick up a bike and a model that can be used as the dismounted rider. And then then I just liked the Captain America style model in WWII garb.

A large Ogre with a blunderbuss was in on a 3D print stand that will go nicely into Silver Bayonet.

…and there was a nice Occultist type chap with some nice gubbins for my church.

These Shriekers from Crooked Dice seemed like a good idea for sci-fi games when some pop up creatures are needed.

Finally, yet another project for Turnip28 was to buy a base scuttlers model for The Feast of Charybdis.

I plan to build some sort of platform on top of it for three infantry models with long spears. It will also need covering in mud, flock and tufts and generally roughing up a lot.

Stuff that was not there
There were a number of retailers that were not at Salute that are usually present. Ground Zero Games, Ainsty Castings, Hasslefree to name a few. Even some of the retailers that were present did not have all of their ranges so there were a few items on my shopping list that I could not get.

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