Ashes Of Faith

Here we are again.

A couple of weeks after the lack of release of the Kill Team box Gallowfall, a scenario box Ashes Of Faith went on sale at 10:00 Saturday and was once again unavailable before 10:01. As I missed even the remotest possibility of buying Gallowfall recently, I was on the Games Workshop website before 10am but could not even get a copy in the basket before they were all gone.

I do like me an Inquisition model or two, and much like the Squats in Gallowfall, I wanted to get my hands on these.

I know that in a few months, the individual boxes will be available, and the rulebook will be available, and the cards will be available, but the original price point of £95 was rather good!

In a repeat of the Gallowfall release, eBay is the only place to buy Ashes Of Faith.

Of course, this all could be a cunning Games Workshop strategy:
#1 Build plenty of pre-release hype.
#2 Stick the box up on the website saying it is For Sale.
#3 Then immediately mark them all as sold out.
#4 Then stick them all on eBay via multiple seller accounts.
#5 Book an extra holiday in the Bahamas.

I may have to invest in my own scalper bot:

It may be the only way to buy Games Workshop products in the future…


There has been much online chat over the last couple of weeks about how fast the Kill Team box Gallowfall sold out. I have to admit that I forgot to even try to get it on the Games Workshop website, but from everything I have read and heard, it went on sale at 10:00 and was all gone before 10:01. I do wonder how many of these Games Workshop actually make.

The contents of the box was actually a set that interested me, both factions would be fun and the extra set of space hulk walls and doors would have allowed me to expand my own terrain options.

But as expected, this set ended up on eBay pretty quickly at stupid prices. Since then, the eBay price has been coming down and down and soon it will only be a little over the original retail price of £110.

Whats On The Table?

Having been lurking in the loft for a few years, a load of Genestealer Cult models have been put together and shoudl be ready for undercoasting soon.

Also added to the gang is a nice 3D printed model of something that can be used as a Magus or something.

These models will work great for a retro style Genestealer Cult army in OPR Grimdark as well as Necromunda.

Red Harvest Warcry

I got the Red Harvest terrain out again for another game of Warcry. Once again it was the Orcs versus The Untamed Beasts.

In this game interestingly, neither Mr Steinberg or I spent any actions to “open the sluices” and get the hot stuff flowing, we just concentrated on the objectives!

The Untamed Beasts took an early lead grabbing two objectives, but those pesky greenskins came back and grabbed the four in total needed for victory.

Excellent game!