Category Archives: Dwarves

Kharadron Overlords

My Kharadron Overlords for Warcry are finished.

I kept the colour scheme very simple, but there was still plenty of detail to pick out.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I ended up magnetising all of the arms so I can vary the weapon loadouts.

I am a little bit concerned about the mounting point for the Skywardens flying stands, not sure if they will take getting knocked over very much, and I really would not want to drop one.

The rest of the foot troops came up okay, one chap is painted as a leader, they rest can take a variety of weapons.

As it is getting close to Christmas and there are “other things” kicking off again, it is likely to be next year before they see a game.

Dragon Rampant Game

Mr Steinberg and I had another Dragon Rampant game recently, once again it was his chaotic snail and slug slime horde against the proud and less slimy Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor.

These two forces are getting to know each other quite well, we have been fielding well used army lists for a few games now.

These Elite Thermo Warriors are one of the best combat units but they are better when attacking rather than defending.

The cavalry give some much needed speed, very useful for grabbing objectives.

We had quite a few skirmishes where units on both sides were getting worn down as casualties mounted.

The dwarves have finally finished building their Clockwork Dragon (because these Dwarves don’t like real Dragons much) and it fits the brass and metal theme for the Tir-Na-Bor army.

Mr Steinberg‘s Reaper Bones giant worms are pretty gruesome looking, here are three advancing on a blue gem objective.

The Belicose Boors below are a favourite unit of mine, as long as they get to charge and not get charged!

The Queen Slug really is very big, gnarly and intimidating, so I really wanted my Clockwork Dragon to get into combat with it.

The shooty Dwarves with Heavy Missiles are a nice looking unit, but I still struggle with the Move or Shoot rule, getting them into position and expecting the enemy not to move out of range before they can fire is rather annoying.

I am going to have to get Mr Steinberg to remind me what these models below were profiled as…

The Queen Slug and the Boors went at it for a few rounds

But then it was time for the two big models to have a go at each other.

By the end of this game, there was not much left on the table on either side, I do like the way this game can swing one way and then the other.

One day I will find the time to sort out a couple of new Dragon Rampant forces.

I fancy fielding a human Empire style army but have to sort through The Loft Full Of Lead to remind myself what I have, I know there are plenty of crossbow models and some sword and shield models, but I need to paint up some Knights.

The next force I want to put together is a chaos army using Mid-Nor Chaos Dwarves, old Koralon slugs and some old Warhammer Chaos models.

One day…

Dragon Rampant Tir-Na-Bor

Any excuse to show off one of my favourite armies.

My Rackham Dwarf army got another run out with Dragon Rampant recently, as I was setting them up I thought a nice army shot was called for.

A unit of Heavy Riders are the quickest unit in this force, a healthy move of 10″.

The most resilient unit is the Thermo Warriors as Elite Foot with their armour 4, they can certainly soak up some damage for a reduced model count unit.

Twelve Khor Warriors as Heavy Foot with their Wall Of Spears ability are better when charged than charging.

A new unit I tried out were my Forge Guardians as Offensive Heavy Foot, I also stuck my army leader in the unit.

The last of the infantry units are the Boors, the Belicose Foot, Wild Charging and great if they get in range.

The last chap is the Greater Warbeast Giant, I made him Ponderous to remove his Wild Charge, he is much to sensible for forced charging.

Clockwork Dragon

This Reaper Bones Clockwork Dragon has been in a state of being nearly finished for ages.

I really wanted to get it done so the next time my Rackham Tir-Na-Bor Dwarfs get an outing, they would have some Dragon support.

I thought my Dwarf army would like a mechanical dragon, so that if they ever run in to a live one, they have some brass and iron to send against it.

Dragon Rampant Tir-Na-Bor

My Tir-Na-Bor Dwarf army had another outing in Dragon Rampant recently, one of my favorite ranges fantasy figures.

I have not quite got enough for a unit of twelve models with muskets or crossbows, so a couple of extras have been drafted in to make up the numbers.

The Dwarf tank is a great model, heavily armoured with a very big gun!

My small unit of elite Thermo Warriors like to make the most of cover and leap out to attack any emeny units that get close enough.

The Wild-Charging Bellicose Boors are only any good if they get to charge, if they are charged, they tend not to last long.

Six Khor Knights are the leaders unit, heavy armour, a good rate of attack and pretty quick.

Khor Knights

My Tir-Na-Bor Dwarf army is nearly finished, the last main unit was these six Khor Knights on Razorbacks.

They are painted mostly in metallics with some Iron Grey so they fit in well with the rest of the army.

The models were provided with a choice of stream hammers or steam lances, but I decided to go with the steam hammers, the main reason being that they would not get bent and will pack in a case more easily. Anyway, hammers are more of a Dwarf weapon.