Category Archives: Conventions & Shows

KitchenCon 2023

The First Annual KitchenCon took place on Saturday, a small affair, invitation only. Very exclusive. I was a little late, but it is often better to arrive a bit late rather than have to queue for registration…

We had a few games planned for the day, they all needed to be good multiplayer games for the three of us.

First up was Maximillian 1934. We had a few races planned, to be followed by a Death Match.

Maximillian Race One
Race one started with just about all of the vehicles failing to “Fang It” and just limping away from the start line.

Once we got into the second turn, the shooting started and as all the vehicles were still very close together, the carnage commenced.

Luckily for my Treadbike, it managed to sneak a lead and just kept the throttle wide open and went for any tight turns as necessary.

An immobilised tandem bike was waiting fo the Treadbike to come back by and popped a few shots off at the fast moving bike.

Machine guns still seem to be the weapon of choice and twin linking them on a few of the cars really helps.

The Treadbike was chased all the way to the finish line, but the rear facing machine guns on the pursuing buggy did not prevent the first win of the day!

Maxillian Race 2
For the second race, the vehicles went around the track the other way in a simple oval.

Once again, Fanging It was not that succesful…

But the Treadbike did manage to catch and pass the leader.

Back at the start line,  an immobilised buggy caused more than a little carnage and stopped the Audi Bullet from keeping up with the action.

The leading bike had a healthy lead and looked to be on for a second win. The red buggy hit the gas and raced up behind the Treadbike to ram it. This resulted in the Treadbike engine being disabled but nudged the Treadbike up to speed 5!

The Treadbike would then lose one point of speed each turn as it coasted to a halt. The buggy tried valiantly to catch the Treadbike, but lost it on a turn and spun out. Luckily the finish line was not too far away and as the Treadbike lost speed, the finish line got closer and closer and ended up being close enough to sneak a second win.

Maxillian Death Match
For the last Maximillian event of the day, some of the vehicles used in the races went off to the body shop for some repairs while the big hitters with their cannon came out for a Death Match.

The bikes were not the best selection in this game as they were susceptible to be rammed from the front. One did not last long.

The other Treadbike was fitted with a rear facing machine gun, but it was best for the bike to try to keep out of trouble.

The cannon equipped big red truck took the day, with plenty of armour, a Treadbike was not going to be able to inflict substantial damage.

Next up was a game of Warcry, a few Bloodletters and Chaotic Beasts were guarding some of Khornes favourite treasure and three bands of adventurers were trying to steal it and take a few Bloodletter heads into the bargain.

The Chaotic Beasts and Bloodletters were not as difficult to finish off as I had thought and the three warbands then just had to take the treasure objectives.

The Undead warband was at a severe disadvantage due to their lack of speed, the Untamed Beasts and the Dark Elves were quick to climb the ruined temple steps.

The repeating crossbows of the Dark Elves were quite effective and they were able to stand off and fire plenty of shots at anyone careless enough to get in range.

Meanwhile the Untamed Beasts had moved onto the middle ruin dias and take a second treasure objective for a victory.

Space Hulk
The evening session involved a bit of Space Hulk and a few glasses of wine. Or was it bottles?
Two five man units of Terminators had to undertake the classic Cleanse And Burn scenario.

But I have never seen so many Storm Bolters jam on overwatch. Once the Genestealers were able to get some pressure behind the Terminators, the end was nigh. The Genestealers took out the two heavy weapons and so prevented the Terminators from getting to the target rooms.

Of the games played, Maximillian 1934 was the best game for three players with some great moments in all of the races.