Category Archives: 15mm

Blitzkrieg Commander Assault

In this recent game of Blitzkrieg Commander, the US forces assaulted a German position.

Having played out a capture the objective game before, I once again had to go for several half tracks filled with infantry.

The Germans were quite well dug-in, making hits a bit tricky, but I did try some off table artillery support for the first time.

The Germans were quite well dug-in, making hits a bit tricky.

Just getting hits on enemy units in the hope they become suppressed can be a better option than trying to destroy a target, so splitting fire is a worthwhile tactic.

It can all come down to a mad dash for the objective with the infantry leaping out of their transports and heroically trying to get to the spot without taking too many hits.

We have been using Blitzkrieg Commander second edition, so far only playing with Italian/Tunisian army lists. In the new year, we will have to try out some European army lists and my late war Germans can finally get painted.

It is great to get my 15mm models out again!

Blitzkrieg Commander

I never really got on with the Flames Of War rules, I don’t know why, they just never grabbed me. Ages ago, I picked up the Blitzkrieg Commander 2009 second edition rulebook with a view to giving it a go and getting my fully painted 15mm American army on the table again.

It has taken a very long time, but finally we have played a few games and I have to say it is a good game.

I don’t have a huge force, but there are plenty of Shermans and some supporting M10 and Priests.
Supporting infantry get to ride around in M3 Halftracks.

Mr Steinbergs Germans had plenty of quality tanks and supporting infantry as well.

Rivers can be a bit of a bottleneck, you typically end up with a traffic jam.

Massing firepower against targets is essential to have a chance of destroying them, but getting a unit supressed is also very useful.

Getting a Bazooka and some M10 Tankhunters behind a heavy tank is a huge advantage as it increases the numbe rof attack dice and redices the save!

The German mortars are a bit handy, all mortars have long range so as long as a spotter can get Line Of Sight, they can drop their munitions just about anywhere.

We are not so keen on the random adjustment of force sizes, giving one player a potentially huge advantage, but even pointed games has so far been fun.


One of my intentions is to reduce the number of new games I buy into. But I must say I have failed this week with the purchase of Tanks by Gale Force Nine.
Can’t really complain as I bought it for a good price and I have loads of Flames Of War tanks that may now actually get used for something. I tried it out last week at the famous shed of Mr Steinberg and it is a nice game. Basically it is X-Wing for tanks. I used a platoon of Panzer IV’s and went up against firstly a squadron of Shermans and then a trio of heavy Russian tanks.

I like the game, it is quick, objective driven and you don’t need too much stuff. I’m not sure that some of the expensive commanders are worth the points but I maybe some more games will clear up why they cost so much.