Category Archives: No Limits

Painted Landing Pads

This is the first time I have set up all of my new landings pads.

It all looks pretty much as I wanted!

I also have a prototype control room, but no painted roof yet as it is still a work in progress. This can be used as a main objectives room in various scenarios.

The original landing pad has simple fans and grills.

The second design is the 40K aquila.

And finally I thought the Mechanicus symbol would also make a great design.

Black Diamond Troopers

I have ten of these Relic Knights Black Diamond dudes armed with impressive looking shotguns.
The restic plasto-resin hybrid is not brilliant, but I intend to practice with black contrast paint on them before I tackle some Deathwatch models. If they turn out okay, they may well get used in Rogue Stars or as retinue for the Inquisition.

Very Big Gun

Here we have the H.E.L. Cannon for the Leviathan Crusader, a very big gun indeed that is about the height of an Imperial Knight.

I am working on some homebrew 40K rules for the Crusader, to run it as an Imperial Knight variant, based on a Forge World profile. This weapon will likely be a Volcano Cannon, hopefully enough to deal with a Chaos Knight.


In the great build something campaign of the last six weeks, I went back tothe Relic Knights models from CMON. These were made from a terrible “restic” resin plastic hybrid of some description that was awful to work with, hence the reason they all got put in The Loft Full Of Lead.

Trimming mould lines was a real pain, using a file did not work, the best way was to use a new scapel blade and carefully trim the lines off.

The finished model is quiet fun, somewhat different to the usual wargaming models. I want to see if I can get this range into a Rogue Stars game or something similar.

Leviathan Crusader Torso

There is not much to the body of the Leviathan Crusader, apart from the spine and a box for the arms and head to attach, that is about it.

I did have some new help during the build, the main problem was keeping anything that could hurt the little chap out of paws reach.

The finished torso looks like it was a Games Workshop design for the Grey Knights.

Just because I could, I have made up an LED circuit to provide lighting inside the helmet. It took longer to make the mounting for the on/off switch.

I am still a bit worried about undercoating the whole thing…