Turnip Wars

I got to use several new units in a recent game of Turnip28.

Including my nice new Grand Bombard Playmobil conversion.

Mr Steinberg also had some new additions to his force, plenty of candles on hats, which I do like a lot.

This is a more complex game than you night think, as all of the models have pretty rubbish profiles, it is important to really try to use each unit taking the benefit of its limited speciality!

Having siad that, Chaff are quite a nice unit, especially as they can draw enemy fire and as skirmishers they are difficult to hit back.

We had a greenhouse in the middle of the table, containing plenty of choice root vegetables no doubt, and a few other objectives scattered around.

A few cavalry charges sorted out some disagreements and before we knew it, several units had been wiped out…

My Grand Bombard failed to hit much on the first few turns, even with unit holding objectives to give a spotters bonus.

It did start hitting targets in later turns and was quite devastating.

I do like this game, it is quite mad.

We are going to try a scenario next time using the giant water wheel thingy I built a while back.

Necromunda Enforcers vs Orlocks

My first game of Necromunda was a blast, thanks to Joken for bringing his Orlocks along to my underhive setup.

It is always nice to get a chance to set up my industrial terrain and it works pretty good for Necromunda. I will need to use more barriers next time as models suffered from a lack of cover!

I also think I need to revisit the terrain a bit and do some more paint work.

As for the game, it does feel a bit rules heavy, but with any new game, it usually takes a little while to get up to speed. I did not have any of my usual crib sheets to refer to, so I missed a few weapon ability rules (I now have a good crib sheet for the next game).

Models can end up with a few counters on them, but I quite like the level of detail. With only a small numbver of models on each side, it is not too bad.

In this first game for the Enforcers, they turned up with their training ammunition and failed to get much done.

I am looking forward to the next go at some stage, hopefully with a better understanding of the rules and my own forces good and bad points.

Palanite Enforcers

My Palanite Enforcers are done and ready for their first game of Necromunda. In fact, my first game of Necromunda.

I cannot believe I have played games in the 40K universe since the beginning and never played Necromunda.

I originally bought the Enforcers to use in something else, but thought it would be rude not to give Necromunda a try.

I have picked a very basic list and will try to remember the abilities…

Arachnids vs UNA

I ran my horde of wild charging Arachnids against a gunline of UNA and got annihilated.


Second game was mildly better as I actually managed to inflict some damage on the UNA and capture the objective. But the wild charging meant that none of the bugs would stay on the objective once they had taken it…and they all charged away from the it!

Very amusing, snatching defeat from the jaws of vistory.

One of the worst areas was when a unit of bugs had to wild charge heavy infantry defending a fortfied wall (getting +2 to their armour). They would not do enough damage against armour 5 and have to retreat back and then wild charge the next turn. Repeat until they are all dead!

Ah well, better luck next time, maybe with a tweaked force with less wild charging, but that would not fit the narrative I was going for…