Category Archives: Orks

Kommandos vs Plague Bearers

My Ork Kommando Kill Team had their first game a short time ago, it was about time really.

Mr Steinberg was using a horde of Plaguebearers, without any ranged attacks, so my Orks could just sit back and take pot shots at the shambling disgustingness for several turns.

There are lots of special rules to remember for the Orks, but I was using as many specialists as possible to see how the rules work and what their best options are.

I reckon I am going to need a few more games with them to fully understand how to play them, but they are fun and will be making some more appearences soon.

Ork Kill Team

I have finally finished the new (to me anyway) Ork Kommando Kill Team from the 2021 starter box.

It was a bit of a rush job in the end as I was determined to get them into a game this week.

I used an all Specialist team to try out the various unique model rules and there are a lot of rules…

The Comms Boy won the game as the final action of the final turn with his “bonus” action. He was lucky to be in the right place at the right time!

The Squig Bomb was good fun and exploded right when he was meant to.

There are a few extra rules I forgot to use, but I am making a crib cards to remind me of Orky stuff for the next game.

Kill Team Terrain

The pile of unpainted terrain was getting a bit much so I have been concentrating recently on the reducing the shame a little.

Having just completed the ruined stuff for Warcry, next was the Orky terrain for Kill Team.

I must admit to getting a bit lazy here and there and not really picking out all the detail that I could, there is just too much.

I had to make do with plenty of ink and drybrushing instead and hope that the nuts, bolts and tools showed up…

The rust effect came out good, although it could perhaps do with having even more applied.

I am calling this done.

Now it is time to move on to the next GW terrain set that is undercoated…

Ancient Orks

So I was going to start a small Ork Kill Team last year, I sorted out a bunch of likely greenskins from the Loft Full Of Lead and before I knew it, I had far too many to choose from.

Then of course the new version landed late last year and quite a lot changed.

I did buy the new Octarius starter box and have started to build the Ork Kill Team. The only models I think I will be using from the old stuff from the Loft will be the original lead Ork Kommandoes as they will fit in with the new Kill Team list.