B4-P0 & AR-Two

The R2-D2 model came off a McDondald’s Fatty Meal toy. Can’t remember who made the humanoid robot, it has been kicking around for years, I think it may be a Rackham model.

I have a few uses for these models, mainly for my robotic Steam Wars army, but also for use in Rogue Stars.

These are another example of a super quick paint job with a healthy splattering of Army Painter Ink over the top.

40k 8th Edition

I have not played Warhammer 40k for quite a few years, which is a shame as I have a Blood Angels army that I really like. Games Workshop are releasing a new version this year, which will be available as a free download from the sound of it. I may just give it a go. Will it be 40k Age of Warhammer? They claim not in an FAQ released, but we will see.

I am not a fan of the current version, so I have some hope that the new version addresses some of my pet hates, especially around close combat.
As anyone who come here often will know, the Loft Full Of Lead contains many marvels, several of which are other 40k forces from the 1990’s that have not been out in a long time. Tiny Orks could be making a comeback.

Post Salute

Salute is over for another year. Although I managed to avoid buying into any new games, I did pick up a few mdf bits, some resin control panels and crew for a sci-fi spaceship project, a Wolsung robot thing and a few extra Black Scorpion Navy Marines.

This Infinity Sci-Fi table was my favourite of the day, the design and detail was amazing.

Arkanaut Frigate

This is the first GW model I have seen in ages that I could be persuaded to purchase, especially with my steampunk fixation still running high. I say “could”, as at £50 (US$80) it is a significant amount of cash.

It should be available with 10% off from an independent reseller, which would make it £45.