Turnip28 Cavalry

After adding some more mud to cover up the bright red tunics and a matt varnish to get rid of the ink shine, these Whelps or Bastards are done!

I probabaly added too much colour to these as the mud and ink wash pretty much covered it all up. I could have saved time by just going brown and adding a bit of drybrushing.

The New Year will have them trying out a “Bowel-Loosening Charge”. If you have not tried this mad little game, you really should!

Black Armour Test

I want to start to do some black armour using the GW contrast paint so I have tested it on a few random old models.

They do look a bit dull, but I guess that is the point to a certain extent. Even with a bit of boltgun to pick out weapons and the occasional armour panel they still look very flat. A bit of edge highlighting will help.

A model with a little something in a different colour helps such as the skull shoulder pauldrons on this old Chaplain model.

I will have to try a few others out. At least they will get used in games of Stargrave and Rogue Stars.