Turnip28 Toff

One of the last models in progress for Turnip28 is a Toff, based on a spare AT-43 Karman model.

After removing the head, arms and backpack, I have been adding bits now and then when I have left over green stuff or the inspiration to add an arm or something. One could say that it is growing organically…

To Warcry 2 Or Not To Warcry 2

Warcry 2nd Edition is out now.

As I have mentioned before, it is one of my favourite game settings so I was both interested and anxious to see what Games Workshop were going to do with it.

When the new version was initially announced a few months ago, it was not clear if it was an expansion box, like Red Harvest, or a new edition. Subsequently, there were comments that it would indeed be a new edition, Warcry 2.0 set in the Heart Of Ghur. That was a little worrying at th etime, as Kill Team II drastically changed their sci-fi skirmish game.

A short time after the new edition news, images of new profile cards circulated and these looked the same as First Edition. So it appeared that the profiles would still follow the original games profiles and hopefully the rules would be the same.

I think the next bit of news was around the new Reactions that unactivated models could utilise, not a big change, but okay.

Then it was announced that Games Workshop would also use the opportunity to change nearly all of the profiles for previously released warbands. This was the bit of news I was not that keen on.

The new model profiles were originally going to be in a book that would have provided the updated stats for the many hundreds of Warcry First Edition warbands. However, in a very non-Games Workshop move, they have made all of the profiles free to download in pdf format. This was good.

But I do like the physical First Edition model profile cards and the thought of having to print and laminate the new model profiles in not-quite-card-size is not very appealing. Having said that, there are a couple of First Edition warbands that were available in pdf format that I was going print out, mainly the Cities of Sigmar profiles but that is an exception.

And another thing, I am usually somewhat (!) slow in building and painting models for a new game, there is always so much vying for position in my backlog, especially as I like to dabble in too many games. I am still painting the terrain for Red Harvest and I have only recently grumbled about the effort involved in that terrain. As for the two warbands in the Red Harvest box, they are still on the sprue.
I have more warbands that are also unstarted, including the Unmade which I just recently purchased so I would have First Edition cards. I have a box of Stormcast that have not yet been opened and some Orcs that need to be built. I also bought cards for Chaos and Undead warbands for future resurrection projects of old models, like I did with my Bloodletters.

So my quandary is whether or not to go for Warcry Second Edition or to stick with what is already a fantastic game in Warcry First Edition.

The other thing to remember is that in 2025, Warcry Third Edition will be along. Will I have finished painting the Red Harvest terrain by then? What about the Ghur terrain if I was to buy it?

I do know that not all of my already owned warbands will not be finished by 2025.

I think I am finally getting to the point.

I will be sticking with Warcry First Edition and all the gubbins I already have. I will pass on Ghur at least for the moment.

Red Harvest Terrain

I have been painting the Warcry Red Harvest terrain on and off over the last few weeks. This is perhaps the most time consuming set I have ever had to paint, there are so many fiddly bits of metal work to paint that it feels like it will never end.

I started by undercoating it all brown as most of the structure is wood after all. There were a few bits with stonework that I sprayed grey.

But that was the easy bit, painting the metal brackets was next. The mining platforms, dredges, winches and pumps have metal brackets on EVERY edge and corner and just when I think I have done a section, I spot yet another damn bracket to paint.

I have not even started to pick out other detail yet. When I have done the bones and other details, I then need to apply a wash over the whole thing and then drybrush the wood and stonework.

To be honest, if I had known it would take so long, I would not have started it, or maybe even bought it in the first place.

But I do think it will look good when it is done.

MotoGP Silverstone

This years MotoGP at Silverstone was held in scorching weather for a change, moving the date to the start of August appears to have been a good idea.

All three main races were great, the insanity of Moto3, the British podium in Moto2 and the Espargaró heroics of MotoGP.

And not forgetting the massive rolling stoppie of Jack Miller right in front of us after the flag.