Category Archives: WH40K

Questoris Knight #1

Although the base is not done and transfers have not been added, I am parking the first Questoris Knight for the moment. I want to come back to the bases when all the Knights are painted so they can have some sort of consistent theme. The same goes for adding the transfers and making sure I have enough of each type to go where I want them.

One lesson learnt is not to spend much time painting the Knights head as it will be covered with the helmet. It is a shame really as I was quite pleased with the eye lenses and the shading…

Missing Bits

One of the many problems of having a large model not quite finished for a long time, is…losing some of the small bits. I have no idea what happended to them, but given the size of these small mounts, I guess it was no surprise.

I had to make two new bits and paint them to blend in. Once they are in place, I do not think they can be seen when the carapace is fitted.

Whats Still On The Table?

Although it is a nice long four day Easter weekend, I have not made as much progress on my first Questoris Knight as I had hoped.

This one is a Crusader Imperial Knight armed with an array of decent weaponry. The Gatling Cannon is fixed, but I have magnetised the Thermal Cannon and the Battle Cannon so they can be switched out. I also magnetised the carapace Missile Launcher and Autocannon options for more, er, options.

New Arachni Rig

Even though I have not yet painted my Van Saar gang yet, I am already eyeing up the new Arachni Rig.

I was going to buy the Forge World version but it was (a) expensive and (b) not in stock. As it turns out, I expect the Games Workshop plastic version to be (a bit) cheaper than the Forge World version and a plastic version will be easier to build than a resin model.

Leviathan Carapace

The carapace for the Leviathan Crusader was finished a few weeks ago to easily allow access to the battery and switch inside the torso.

With a few pins and a bit of glue, the two shoulder pads have been fitted to the central carapace.

A couple of magnets have also been added inside the carapace so some extra weapon options can be included.

The eye lights look good and I reckon they were worth the extra effort.

Necromunda Campaign Game 4

I game 4 of the Necromunda Ash Wastes campaign, Joken’s Orlocks had a wasteland encounter with my Enforcers with all the models coming on from the edges during the first few turns.

This left quite a few models exposed in the early stages…

Our objective was to make the other team bug out, we did not have to waste time trying to find resources or hold a ruin, just take out the enemy.

The Heavy Bolters on the Orlocks Buggy’s are well worth avoiding, as my Enforcer Biker found out.

In the space of a couple of turns, the Orlocks lost a few gangers to injury and decided to get out quick.

Neither side picked up much in the way of rewards, so it was a bruising encounter for both.