Steam Wars Game

It has been difficult to arrange many games recently for obvious reasons, but last weekend, we did finally get to play a large game in the recently completed Tudor town.

The whole table looks just as I had planned it. The Deep Cut Cobblestone mat is perfect for the style of buildings, there is enough space between the buildings without the gaps being too big.

I got this all set up the night before so when Mr Steinberg arrived with his US Navy, we were able to get right into it.

We deployed a couple of objectives, one each, to be collected and removed from the table.

I used my British forces with some town Militia added in to defend their town.

As usual, I used my Treadbikes, one of my favourite units.

The infantry on both sides advanced rather cautiously using as much cover as possible in the early turns.

The Navy Rollerbots and Rocketeers moved up one flank and removed the opposition quite easily.

The Treadbikes moved up and got one decent round of fire in before getting a good pasting.

The Navy also had their own motorbike squadron, armed with a variety of weapons.

The Ocks deployed from their Mole but were not close enough to charge.

I had a small unit of square Gunbots that wandered around a bit.

The British never managed to break through the Navy defensive line to reach their objective, but they did manage to inflict plenty of casualties.

The Navy on the other hand, did retrieve their objective and escape with it for maximum Victory Points.

A cracking game!

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