Exo-Armour Kickstarter

I have been looking forward to these Exo-Armour Dwarfs for some time and I am pleased to say they have arrived on Kickstarter this week, released by Bob Olley of Olleys Armies fame.

There are two sets of these heavily armoured tin cans, a set with more of a chaos flavour and a set that are more pillbox-like, and it is those that will fit in much more with my existing Scrunt army.

For my Steam Wars game I will require six models to allow me to take two units of three models. Of course, I could always go for more units…

I have already worked out a potential model profile for these which is a bit presumptuous.

One thing I can be sure of is that Bob will deliver this Kickstarter bang on time and these stout chaps will get added to the might of the Prussian Scrunts!