Rise Of Skywalker

The latest Star Wars movie, The Rise Of Skywalker is out at the local multiplex and we dutifully went along to see how the third trilogy would wrap up.

After the rather nonsensical  space chase of the previous installment, this was much better, but was still clearly an advert for Disney toys. It did seem to be a number of scenes that are good by themselves, but JJ Abrams had to stitch them together somehow to make a movie. It did plod along for the first bit with the heroes off on a few quests to find clues, but by the end, it delivered the usual big space battle finale.

Stormtroopers really are rubbish and quite frankly they may as well not bother with their nice white armour as it cannot stop a damn thing…and the vision through their helmets must really hinder aiming…

It was also a fond farewell to Carrie Fisher.

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